Life Online
As I sit here on mute, on another conference call, about another IT project roll out I find myself thinking about life online.
I've been using the Internet since about 1994 using gopher to find information, long before google or bing. I used online directories to find things prior to the new upstart yahoo appearing on the scene. I don't really get Twitter, or Facebook, but I am constantly finding new interesting information and articles on various blogs which have proved valuable over the years.
So here I am, a bit of an IT nerd according to those who know me. I'm interested in technology, IT security and sharing knowledge. I thought it time I tried to give something back to the online community rather than being a sponge and just soaking it all up. So here it is, a collection of random How-To's and notes with perhaps the ocassional rant.
Hopefully at least one page I publish will help or assist others in pursuit of their goals. Time will tell, if you find any of it useful, then great and welcome to my little bit of disk space on the Internet.
OK, back to the new MPLS Network rollout project call.