About Me

I am a husband, a father, a son, a brother, an uncle and underneath all that an IT geek. I am no great supporter of social media, I tend to lurk watching the world post endless updates whilst I dip my toe in and soak up bits of information as and when I can be bothered.

I've held a number of IT certifications including the Cisco CCIE which I passed in 2002 and received the number #10007. This probably goes some way to demonstrate my interest in IT, and networking in particular. I was deploying IP in private enterprise networks before I had access to the Internet, even CompuServe.

I’ve had various physical notebooks for years in which I’ve recorded steps to achieve many things, and I thought it about time I started to do this on a platform that someone else may actually benefit from my experiences.

I much prefer to read something to gain knowledge rather than watching a video of someone else doing it. If you find something useful here, then great, if not, then I hope I didn’t waste too much of your time. I'll let you get on your way now.

Enjoy Life, we have only one and its happening Now!