Logging in to Authelia

Following the previous Authelia blog listed below, we are at part 5, actually logging in to Authelia and setting up tokens for MFA etc.

  1. Authelia for MFA on docker
  2. Deploying test hosts for Authelia MFA authentication
  3. Configuring Nginx reverse proxy in front of Authelia
  4. Configuring Caddy reverse proxy in front of Authelia
  5. This page: Logging in to Authelia


We are now at the stage go logging in at the dialogue box on https://auth.milpixel.com, this is the same regardless of which solution I used for the reverse proxy. When we point our browser to the site we are greeted with the sign in page presented below:

Following on from previous blog posts, we can log in here with our super secure userid and password we stored in the user_database.yml file earlier. These were the user id of "myuser" and the password "mystrongpassword".

When logged in for the first time you are presented with the option to register a device:

Clicking Register device brings you to the following options:

For the time being, I wish to add a One-Time Password so selected that option, following which this verification box appeared.

Just seconds after this, I received an email shown below Authelia using the mail credentials we configured previously.

I entered this pseudo random code into the web dialogue box to proceed. Following which I received the following box:

Clicking on Next presents the QR code to begin the process of adding this authelia deployment to your chosen mobile authentication app. Obviously the big red blob isn't there really. 😄

After scanning the QR code with my mobile authentication app, it was registered, I had to enter the 6 digits presented to me on the mobile app.

Then finally, it was recorded as being registered:

This page has been a simple walk through of setting up our authenticator app for use with an Authelia deployment. I am not prompted for a username and password for the 1-factor-website, and for the 6 digit authentication code for the 2-factor-website.

Finally Delete Everything

Now this blog series is complete it is time to tidy up and remove everything:

  • Delete DNS Configurations ✅
  • Delete all docker containers ✅
  • Delete all data directories ✅
  • Delete site from Authenticator App ✅
  • Delete sites from Nginx Proxy Manager ✅
  • Delete 1-factor and 2-factor sites ✅
  • Delete any FW rules, or NAT port forwarding entries ✅

That's All Folks. Should you wish to visit any of the earlier posts in this series they are linked below:

  1. Authelia for MFA on docker
  2. Deploying test hosts for Authelia MFA authentication
  3. Configuring Nginx reverse proxy in front of Authelia
  4. Configuring Caddy reverse proxy in front of Authelia
  5. This page: Logging in to Authelia